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  • Sleep apnea symptoms are obesity, feeling unrefreshed despite having enough hours of sleep at night, waking up often during the night time for no reason. Snorting or gasping for air, at night. Heart failure. Memory problems and concentration issues. and daytime sleepiness. Very often cpaps can help prevent these problems from happening. 

  • Sleep apnea is a condition in which breathing stops and starts during sleep. It is usually associated with snoring. The sleep apnea syndrome (sleep apnea plus daytime somnolence) is believed to affect 2% and 4% of adult females and males respectively. This makes it one of the most common medical disorders that the adult population suffers from. 

  • CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is an effective treatment for Sleep Apnea patients. In 1981 Drs. Sullivan, Berthon-Jones, Issa and Eves from Australia published the first account of treating sleep apnea patients with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) thus initiating the most common and successful treatment, currently known, for this disorder.